
Manual guide

How to get the most out of the British Red Cross International Logistics Manual

Welcome to the British Red Cross International Logistics Manual

Here’s a quick explanation of how to use the manual.


The manual is divided into seven main subject areas, or chapters. These are:

Each chapter is divided into further sections. A list of sections can be found on the manual homepage.

Details of the information included in each section covers can be found on the What’s covered in this chapter? pages.

Downloadable versions

You can download sections of the manual at the end of each page or by visiting the Download manual page.

Tools and templates

A complete list of manual tools and templates is available here. Click on a tool to download it.

If a tool is not available to download, email to ask about obtaining a copy.

Flowcharts and visual elements

Flowcharts and visual elements appear throughout the manual. Many are available to download.

Click on the Available to download here link after each resource to download.


Hover over acronyms to reveal their full meaning. For example: IFRC

A list of acronyms used in the manual can be found on the Acronym buster page.