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Replenishing the ERU kits

The LOGE, together with the warehouse officer, updates the stock records with the stock movements related to the ERU deployment, capturing which modules have been deployed on the kit list and on the stock report.

The ERU equipment is not usually expected to be returned to the deploying NS. Instead, the kit is usually handed over to the HNS, following appropriate evaluations and a handover plan. Kit returns must be discussed and agreed with logistics. The procedure to agree kit returns is detailed in the ERU standard operating procedure.

Before getting started on the replenishment of the kit, the LOGE should make sure that:

  • The emergencies team have agreed to the replenishment.
  • All kit feedback has been considered and changes to the kit contents, if any, have been agreed.
  • Note: no items should normally be returned from an ERU deployment, but this can be agreed between the deployed team, the response lead and the logistics team on a case-by-case basis.

A REP form must be filled out and signed off by emergencies, logistics and finance before the replenishment of the kit begins. See the ERU kit standard operating procedure for more details.

Note: items that are added to the kit must be purchased through a RFA. Only the replenishment of deployed items can be triggered through a REP form.

The LOGE then puts a procurement plan together, indicating for each item:

  • how it will be sourced (small purchase, framework agreement, RFQ, etc)
  • an estimation of its value
  • an estimation of the delivery timeline.

The procurement plan is stored on PIMS and available from the LOGE upon request. As the replenishment is ongoing, the LOGE updates the directorate via the logistics status report, sent out every Friday afternoon, which captures the progress of replenishment.

Delivery of the different modules of the kit is organised by the LOGE and the warehouse officer. For delivery instructions, see the Bulwick warehouse SOP.

As items and modules are replenished, the LOGE liaises with international finance to ensure the new kit’s value is captured correctly on the balance sheet. See the balance sheet guidance note for more details.

The replenishment of ERU kits should ideally take a maximum of 15 weeks from the moment the technical owner validates the replenishment. However, supplier lead times vary and some modules are more challenging to source than others. The LOGE should provide weekly updates on replenishment progress through the logistics status report.

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